static mesh中文什么意思

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  1. 4 、 on the basis of analyse of a quasi - static meshing simulation in a meshing period , a dynamic meshing simulation in the case of definite torque and rotary speed are carried out in a meshing period . the numerical results which indicating the variety of the contact status , the contact stress , the bending stress in the location of teeth root and the torque and rotary speed of gear pair vs the different meshing position are presented
    4 、在对螺旋锥齿轮准静态啮合进行仿真分析的基础上,进行了螺旋锥齿轮动态瞬态啮合仿真分析,重点分析带载启动时出现的冲击现象,得出了齿轮的接触状态、接触应力、齿根弯曲应力及主从动齿轮的扭矩、转速和加速度随啮合位置变化的规律。
  2. 3 、 based on the model , a quasi - static meshing simulation is carried out in a meshing period . the numerical results which indicating the variety of the contact status , the contact stress , the bending stress in the location of teeth root and the torque and rotary speed of gear pair vs . the different meshing position are presented , and the rationality of the model is be verified
    3 、基于所建有限元分析模型,在一个啮合周期内,对齿轮副进行准静态啮合仿真分析,给出了准静态啮合时齿轮的接触状态、接触应力、齿根弯曲应力及主从动齿轮的扭矩和转速随啮合位置变化的规律,验证了所建模型的正确性。


Static meshes are polygon meshes which constitute a major part of map architecture in many game engines, including Unreal Engine, Source, and Unity. The word "static" refers only to the fact that static meshes can't be vertex animated, as they can be moved, scaled, or reskinned in realtime.


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  6. static mesh models 什么意思
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  9. static method calibration 什么意思
  10. static method of rate measurements 什么意思


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